Microsoft Services Stands at Your Disposal with Devices through Agreements with Partners

Its mobility of user experience which matters most to the people, the same devices are vital for bringing this to life in IT, consumers, business, and developers. Microsoft ambition is to keep growing always and to build a vibrant community of billions of people who love and have trust in Microsoft experiences, and on various devices, across all segments of their daily lives. To instate this, Microsoft is working hard to win the hearts and minds of channel partners & customers. The company has re-engineered many of their flagship products to be more advanced; they have made office and some of the more popular services readily available on several platforms & devices than ever before, and also acquired companies who can help them to realize their vision as we rethink traditional productivity. The Microsoft has made access to Microsoft app & services on mobile devices easier for all customers through the strategic appendage with 31 global & local OEMs ...